
March Meeting

Hey songwriters,
A full house, three new members, songs that pushed writers beyond familiar parameters, insightful commentary, the launch of our next album project, finishing on time, a member’s first featured performance, a busy open stage with several new players and a lot of really good songs … and it didn’t start snowing until about 1:30 p.m.
Pittsburgh Songwriters Circle meetings don’t get much better than that.
Howard Davidson brought good news about The Barn, a new coffeehouse in Penn Hills where he’ll host a Songwriter’s Showcase Wednesdays in March and April. Mike Hickman showcased a strong 30-minute set of originals and clever interpretations.
Brittany Hautz suggested that at our next meeting, 7 p.m. April 2, you take the blame. Let me rephrase that — write an introspective song in which you accept personal responsibility for consequences endured. Luca Zan, our Italian member who ought to win a prize for traveling farthest to attend a meeting, will be the featured performer.
The Songwriters Circle’s ninth annual CD project was launched yesterday and already one member has paid his duping/participation fee, another has booked a recording session, several project veterans were contemplating which song they’ll record and about five songwriters new to the project have expressed interest in participating. Cross your fingers for another successful album.