
NO PSC Meeting in July — Next meeting AUGUST 7th

Hey songwriters,

Just got word that Club Cafe will be closed Tue., July 3, because of the following day’s holiday. We’re going to skip the July Songwriters Circle meeting and regroup at 7 p.m. Tue., Aug. 7.

Album project deadlines remain in effect – June 1 SESSION SCHEDULING DEADLINE: By this date, participants must have contacted

Mike and scheduled an initial recording session. The session can occur later, but it has to be on.  Mike’s books by this date. To schedule sessions call Electric Eye at 512-785-2132. The session

scheduling deadline advances the project and prevents a log jam of new sessions near the recording deadline.

If you’ve paid your duping-participation fees but are late for this deadline, your song is in jeopardy of being dropped from the album. It’s a phone call. Do it now.

– July 13 FIRST SESSION DEADLINE: The participant’s initial recording session must be completed by this date. The deadline advances the project and prevents a log jam of new sessions near the recording deadline.

– Aug. 24 CREDITS TEXT DEADLINE: In order to insure the accuracy and timeliness of printed credits, the information is documented in two ways. Mike keeps a running log of all project performances, and songwriters are asked to submit their credits to Text includes song title, songwriter name(s), all studio performers and instruments and professional affiliations, if any. Please confirm name spellings before submitting. The credits text deadline accommodates the graphic design deadline.

– Aug. 31 RECORDING DEADLINE: All recording must be finished.

For additional details, visit the 2019 CD Project page on the group website

See you in August,

– John