
June update

Hey songwriters,
The optional songwriting assignment for the 7 p.m. June 4 meeting of Pittsburgh Songwriters Circle is “hope and/or regret,” or album project participants are encouraged to workshop the song they plan to record with the group. Frankie Lee will play the featured set.

2014 Pittsburgh Songwriters Circle album
Twenty-seven songwriters or groups are signed up to participate in this year’s album project. That includes 10 newcomers to the series, now in its ninth year:
John Hayes, Bruce Hoffman, Donna O, Alex Spore, Luca Zan, Alex Olsen, Peter Donovan, Tom Beckman, Kate Snow, Alex Meleshenko, Pat Loughlin, Sue Gartland, Susan McCluskey, Mo Nelson, Richard Kobertz, Mark Bennett, Marty Zundel, Steve Gallo, Greg Wojo, Dennis Malley, Nick Powers, Laurie Shea, Rob Adams, Gerard Rohlf, Haley Rohlf, Air Anchor, Frankie Lee.
If you’re not on that list and think you should be, or vice versa, please get back to me — like, right now (412-263-1991).
First-session deadline June 7

If you’re on the project, this is important: The date of each participant’s initial recording session has to be on Wilkin Audio’s schedule by June 7. The session can occur later, but it has to be on the books by that date. The first-session deadline is intended to advance the project and avoid a log jam of new sessions near the recording deadline. To schedule a session call producer Doug Wilkin at 412-871-5325.

Recording discount
The group holds $1,083 of revenue left over from last year’s mammoth album project and raffle/CD sales. After consultations with Doug, treasurer Tom Beckman ( and about a half dozen album project veterans, it’s been decided that the money will be applied to this year’s recording costs.
Wilkin Audio offers the Songwriters Circle an album project group rate of $25 for each of the first three hours of recording time, $50 per hour for additional time. The Circle will pay for the first two hours of group-rate recording time for each album participant —that’s as much as $50 off on your recording costs (if you finish in one hour, the group will pay the $25). Any overage will come out of this year’s duping/participation fees.
Questions? Answers? Anything? Call me at 412-263-1991, or let’s talk about it at the June 4 meeting.
John Hayes