January Meeting Recap
Hey songwriters,
At the first Circle meeting of the year, held upstairs at Club Cafe, the suggested assignment was to learn an unfamiliar chord and use it in a new song. Group members in the standing-room-only assembly showcased songs that pulled them beyond comfort zones and into unexplored territory.
Emay (emaymusic@gmail.com), a longtime member of Pittsburgh Songwriters Circle, offered pointed tips at the meeting and progressive folky songs during her featured set at Calliope Songwriters Open Stage in Club Cafe’s showcase room.
For the record, the new routine: On first Tuesdays the doors open a little before 7 p.m. On entering, members who plan to attend the meeting and perform at the open stage should put their names on the signup sheet below the featured performer, then go upstairs for the meeting. The open stage starts at 8 p.m. while the meeting is still underway. The featured set begins at around 9:15 p.m. when the Circle meeting is over.
The next meeting is 7 p.m. Tue., Feb. 6 at Club Cafe (56 S, 12th St., Pittsburgh [South Side], PA 15203). Featured performer: Rachel Whitcomb (whitcombrachel1@gmail.com).
Expect a message from group member Heather Groll (hgroll@hotmail.com), who is coordinating the February songwriting assignment.
See you soon,
– John